How Many Calories is Your Thanksgiving Day Meal? [Infographic]


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A typical Thanksgiving meal can be the equivalent of consuming your total daily calorie intake limit. With the average meal consumed equating to more than 1600 calories, this is only contingent on eating the exact serving size. Many American’s do not abide by these limits. Check out this infographic on the breakdown of how many calories is your Thanksgiving Day meal.

To curb the risk of overeating, choose to go for more fruits and vegetables. Eat less food that is high in fat and sugar and drink more water in lieu of sugary drinks. Get up and get moving during the day, making yourself more physically active. Stay away from the couch and watch less television.

You can also follow these great tips on 8 Healthier Ways to Eat Your Thanksgiving Dinner, choosing to substitute the biggest encouragers to a thickening waistline.


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